Russia: Trump accuses Obama of inaction

President Donald Trump has accused his predecessor Barack Obama of inaction over alleged Russian interference in the United States election in 2016.
Trump said Obama had learned well before the 8 November poll about the accusations and “did nothing”. His comments followed an article in the Washington Post which said that Obama learned last August of President Vladimir Putin’s “direct involvement”.
The alleged meddling is the subject of high-level investigations in the US. President Putin has repeatedly denied any Russian interference into the presidential election. The Washington Post article said Obama was told early last August by sources deep within the Russian government that Mr Putin was directly involved in a cyber campaign to disrupt the election, injure Hillary Clinton and aid a Trump victory.
The Post said Obama secretly debated dozens of options to punish Russia but in the end settled on what it called symbolic measures, the expulsion of 35 diplomats and closure of two Russian compounds. They came in late December, well after the election. The Post reported that  Obama was concerned he might himself be seen as trying to manipulate the election.
The paper quoted a former administration official as saying: “From national security people there was a sense of immediate introspection, of, ‘Wow, did we mishandle this’.”
Measures Obama had considered but which were not put into action included planting cyber weapons in the Russian infrastructure and releasing information personally damaging to  Putin.
Trump tweeted on Friday: “The Obama Administration knew far in advance of November 8th about election meddling by Russia. Did nothing about it. WHY?” He followed that up with two more tweets on Saturday, the second saying: “Obama Administration official said they “choked” when it came to acting on Russian meddling of election.
They didn’t want to hurt Hillary?” He repeats the argument in an interview with Fox News, which will air yesterday. “If he had the information, why didn’t he do something about it? He should have done something about it. But you don’t read that. It’s quite sad.”
