Denrele Edun Falls Off Stage While Head-banging To Masterkraft’s song ‘Indomie’ (Photos)

Denrele Edun the Event Show Port harcourt 2015
Last night, September 25, 2015, popular TV personality Denrele Edun fell off stage while head-banging to Masterkraft‘s hit song ‘Indomie’, which features Olamide and CDQ, at The Event Show in PortHarcourt. See photos after the cut:

The TV star recounted the ‘fall’, posting on Instagram: ‘So as my opening sequence, I went on a head-banging-duttie-whining-spree last night…fell off stage…And like the true-die-hard-Winch that I am…got back up IMMEDIATELY and continued like it was part of the show! Check out the video I reposted before THE DENRELE FALL…that was me back onstage like nothing happened! But hey…the kain injury wey I sustain no be for here o! To craze dey easy….Na the trekking dey hard pass! Welcome back DENRELE. I see the assassins have failed!’

Last night, September 25, 2015, popular TV personality Denrele Edun fell off stage while head-banging to Masterkraft‘s hit song ‘Indomie’, which features Olamide and CDQ, at The Event Show in PortHarcourt. The TV star recounted the ‘fall’, posting on Instagram: ‘So as my opening sequence, I went on a head-banging-duttie-whining-spree last night…fell off stage…And like the true-die-hard-Winch that I am…got back up IMMEDIATELY and continued like it was part of the show! Check out the video I reposted before THE DENRELE FALL…that was me back onstage like nothing happened! But hey…the kain injury wey I sustain no be for here o! To craze dey easy….Na the trekking dey hard pass! Welcome back DENRELE. I see the assassins have failed!’...

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